The art of stage design employs diversified media and techniques to meticulously narrate profound stories, sketch out captivating landscapes, and seamlessly navigate between reality and imagination within the confined space of the stage. This transformation of invisible creativity into a touching artistic bridge is the magic of BK-International.
Let us together unveil this layer of mystery and explore how BK-International ingeniously utilizes everything to establish profound and unique connections between the stage and the audience, history and reality, society and individuals, creating a series of heart-wrenching and poetic visual experiences.
创造力 文化历史 创新
As a French team dedicated to the creation of monumental, immersive, narrative video content. Since its establishment in 2012, BK has been committed to enhancing the top of value with creative wings on the global stage; Through exquisite skills, the magnificent scenery, profound information and long history of the cultural heritage are told and every frame is full of stories and emotions. BK expresses the immersive space and natural wonders in a new perspective, leting the audience appreciate the beauty of architecture, the soul of art and the rhyme of history, with poetic methods to touch the heart.
▷ 2014年 国际里昂灯光节荣获评委奖最佳装置类别
▷ 2014年 作品”大地之光“获得国际里昂灯光节象征性作品奖
▷ Le Coq d'Or 金鸡——荣获2014年评论家奖最佳装置奖
▷ DR ATOMIC 原子博士——荣获2014年评委奖最佳装置类别(le prix de la critique 2014 catégorie Meilleur dispositif)
▷ Maria Republica 玛丽亚共和国——荣获2016年评论家奖最佳音乐创作类别(le prix de la critique 2016 catégorie Meilleur Création Musicale )
▷ 作品“Voyageur Céleste “ 2022 国际里昂灯光节获最佳人气奖
▷ 作品“La Fresque des Lyonnais “ 2023 国际里昂灯光节获最佳人气奖
《DR ATOMIC》是根据约翰·亚当斯的歌剧改编而成,深刻描绘了曼哈顿计划及首颗原子弹诞生的历史背景,聚焦于科学家罗伯特·奥本海默的传奇人生。
"DR ATOMIC" is an adaptation of an opera by John Adams, which profoundly depicts the historical backdrop of the Manhattan Project and the birth of the first atomic bomb, with a focus on the legendary life of scientist Robert Oppenheimer.
In the meticulously crafted videos of BK-International, the clever collision and blend of cool blue-grey tones with warm yellow-red hues create a sense of temporal and spatial interweaving, allowing viewers to feel the coexistence of historical weight and hope through visual impact.
Modernist style, geometrically shaped compositions, concise and powerful lines, and symbolic decorative elements interact and complement each other in different scenes, presenting complex and ever-changing visual effects that capture the seriousness and complexity of the theme of the creation of the atomic bomb during the Manhattan Project. This innovative visual presentation technique opens up an unprecedented viewing perspective for audiences, greatly enriching the viewing layers and depth of the opera.
《Akhnaten》,作为菲利普·格拉斯(Philip Glass)备受赞誉的“肖像”三部曲之终章,这部歌剧以三幕剧的形式,生动描绘了古埃及法老阿肯那顿的统治时期对旧有宗教的勇敢反抗,以及新宗教体系的创立与崛起。
"Akhnaten," as the final installment of Philip Glass's highly acclaimed "Portrait" trilogy, is an opera presented in three acts that vividly portrays the reign of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, his courageous rebellion against the old religion, and the establishment and rise of a new religious system.
BK-International, drawing upon the backdrop of "Akhnaten," intertwines religious totems with formal language in its content presentation. To emphasize the sanctity and mystery of classical religion, as well as the awe-inspiring sense of sublimity, it exercises rigorous control over the saturation and contrast of colors.
The aesthetic concept of minimalism complements the captivating musical score seamlessly, combined with meticulously crafted scenes and costumes, collectively reimagining this ancient and exquisite story of an Egyptian pharaoh and breathing new life into it.
《睡美人》,一部由马德里杰出编舞家Alejandro Cerrudo专为巴塞尔剧院(Basel Theater)量身打造的原创舞蹈力作,深刻诠释并重塑了查尔斯·佩罗(Charles Perrault)笔下那部充满原始魅力、暗含深邃寓意与高度个性化的经典童话——《林中睡美人》。
"The Sleeping Beauty," an original dance masterpiece crafted exclusively for Basel Theater by the outstanding Madrid-based choreographer Alejandro Cerrudo, profoundly interprets and reinterprets Charles Perrault's classic fairy tale "La Belle au Bois Dormant" (The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods), which is filled with primitive charm, deep symbolism, and a high degree of personalization.
BK-International, in collaboration with this production, skillfully integrates video and lighting art to create an intricately designed labyrinthine three-dimensional visual space, enriching the visual layers of the stage. This innovative approach closely echoes the dynamic movements of the dancers, collectively weaving a highly engaging and interactive musical and dance drama.